MPA Photo Contest Instructions
4 Categories to Pick From:
Maryland Flag, Dramatic Weather, Nighttime, and Cityscape
You must use the same photographer name and image name on all images and submission pages.
Prepare your files BEFORE starting the submission process.
Image name format is: category_last name_first name_image title
Page 1
1. Read the Photo Contest Rules and Copyright Acknowledgment.
2. Click the “MPA Photo Contest Entry” link on the first page.
Page 2
1. Click the “Click Here to Enter Information” box to begin the process.
Page 3 - Gallery Show Entry Form
1. Fill out the form to enter one or two images.
2. Use this format for each picture’s title: category_last name_first name_image title (enter the name you will use on Page 4).
Page 4 - This is a simulated purchase process (the Gallery Show Contest is FREE).
1. Enter your email address.
2. Click Continue.
3. Enter your name, address, and phone number (enter the same name used in the image title).
4. Click Continue.
5. Review your information
6. Click Purchase.
Page 5 - Gallery Show Entry Form & Rules
1. Read the Photo Contest Rules and Copyright Acknowledgment.
2. Click the “CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE SUBMISSION PAGE” button to fill out a form for either one or two images you want to enter.
Page 6
1. Click the RED "CLICK TO UPLOAD" button to continue (don’t click the black box).
Page 7
1. Use this page to upload your photos. You can upload one or two.
2. Make sure you name your photos before uploading them – use this format: category_last name_first name_image title
3. Submitted-Image Guidelines
• Must be JPG format
• Image files should be flattened (no layers) and must be 8-bit files, either RGB or grayscale mode images.
• Maximum allowable digital image size is 1024 pixels per side
• File Naming: category_last name_first name_image title.jpg
When your photos are submitted, you can close the website.
Please do not submit more than 2 files.
You will receive email notifications, from MPA and Dropbox, that your uploads were successful.
Questions: email