“Milky Way Photography Workshop”
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Staying Safe and Helping Others

COVID-19 Safety Practices

MPA will be hosting the “Milky Way Photography Workshop” on Saturday, September 12, 2020.  MPA wants you to know that the safety of everyone involved is extremely important and is our priority. 

MPA will adhere to the physical distancing guidelines and recommended safety practices.  


Safety Practices for the Workshop

·         Attendees and instructors will always be required to wear masks.

·         Attendees will use their own vehicles to travel on Wildlife Drive.

·         Although hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be provided, attendees should bring their own supplies.

·         Attendees and instructors will always be required to maintain social distance (6 feet).

·         The size of each group will be restricted to ensure that appropriate social distancing practices can be assured. 

·         Attendees will be required to self-screen using a health assessment (below) within 24 hours of attending a workshop and will be asked to stay home if they answer yes to any of the questions.

COVID-19 Self-Screening Health Assessment

24 hours prior to attending the workshop, attendees are required to take this COVID-19 Self-Screening Health Check.

In the past 24 hours, have you experienced:

·         Felt feverish or had fever over 100.4°F:                                      Yes       No

·         Experienced new or worsening cough or sore throat:             Yes       No

·         Experienced shortness of breath:                                                Yes       No

·         Experienced muscle pains:                                                           Yes       No

·         Lost your sense of taste or smell:                                                 Yes       No

·         Experienced diarrhea:                                                                  Yes       No

If you answer “YES” to any of the symptoms listed above, DO NOT COME TO THE WORKSHOP.  

Self-isolate at home and contact your healthcare provider for advice.

 In the past 14 days, have you:

 ·        Had close contact with, or cared for, someone diagnosed with COVID-19?          Yes     No

·         Experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms?       Yes     No

If you show up for the workshop, it is assumed that you have taken this assessment and answered “NO” to ALL of the above the questions.


Additionally, it is required that attendees submit a waiver of liability before attending this workshop and email it to MPA to at mpa@mdphotoalliance.org before Wednesday, September 9, 2020.

Click the button below to view the waiver of liability